We need to get as many duck/goose hunters as possible to send in a comment to: BearRiverRefugehunt@fws.gov
They will be changing the boundaries (and expanding hunting) on the Refuge this fall. The problem is that they came up with some VERY terrible options to choose from. There is an alternate option (OPTION-E) that adds lots of walk-in areas (both upland and wetlands) and lots of boatable areas (both airboat and mudboat). To see a hunt map and the text of Option-E, you can go to the Utah Waterfowl Association facebook page (it is pinned to the top of the page). Or you can call me and I'll email you the details of the plan. The important thing is that as many of us and our friends as possible send in an email supporting Option-E in order to have any chance of getting it considered by the feds. BearRiverRefugehunt@fws.gov
This is a chance of a lifetime to actually get a chance to affect change in a federal refuge!
R Jefre Hicks 801-599-5681 rjefree@msn.com
Yeah, the fed's options were mostly crappy areas with no wildlife and lots of bare dirt! The Option-E is a very good compromise that helps hunters, and allows the feds to think that they are still keeping hunters out of the good areas. Any comments have to be in by JULY 8th though. I hope we can all get our friends and family to send in a short comment in support of Option-E.
So I assume the 4 options offered by the refuge were areas that have no access and no water?
FYI-- Here is a copy of my comment if anyone wants to use it as a template for their own email:
To: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge - BearRiverRefugehunt@fws.gov
From R. Jefre Hicks South Weber, Utah 84405 After reviewing the proposed hunt plan (options A thru D) I have concluded that none of your proposed options are viable, nor are they acceptable as a hunting plan for the Bear River Refuge. There needs to be more areas open in the Willard Spur area, and the private hunting lands that have been purchased by the Refuge need to be re-opened to hunting in keeping with the history of this area. I fully support the OPTION-E alternate proposal submitted by the Utah Waterfowl Association as the preferred option to open more hunting lands on the Refuge. Option-E provides huge amounts of rest area for migratory birds, and maintains flight corridors and feeding areas...all while allowing a wide variety of hunting to proceed on our publicly-owned lands of the Bear River Refuge. Option-E is the only viable alternative that addresses the needs of wildlife as well as complying with Secretarial Order 3356 that directs the Bear River Refuge to open more lands to hunting. Respectfully, R Jefre Hicks